Spring Cleaning: 4 Tips to Preventing Neck and Back Pain
It’s that time of year again – spring cleaning! If you’re currently suffering or have suffered from neck or back pain in the past, clearing out the clutter can be an intimidating chore full of potential discomfort. But that doesn’t have to be the case.
Read MoreEnjoy Spring Without Back Pain
April showers bring May flowers – and back pain? This familiar rhyme about the seasonal weather associated with revitalized spring greenery can take on a negative connotation for those suffering from chronic back pain. While damp weather and drops in barometric pressure can irritate existing inflammation, the aches of back and neck pain should not restrain…
Read MoreWhat Are Your Chances of Suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease?
The pain and discomfort spurred by degenerative disc disease (DDD) can range from a mild irritant to downright debilitating, but regardless of the severity, no one wants to suffer the symptoms of this spinal condition. What are your chances of suffering from DDD? Unfortunately, the risk of developing the condition is quite common.
Read MoreMost Frequently Asked Questions about Neck and Back Pain Treatments
Are you considering finding treatment for your back or neck pain? Or, at least ready to gather information on treatments? Here is a handy guide of the most frequently asked questions Champey Pain & Spine Group receives about neck and back pain treatments to start your research or help narrow down your next steps.
Read MoreHow Good Nutrition Can Help With Back Pain
If you suffer from chronic back pain, you’ve probably tried every piece of advice you’ve read when it comes to finding relief. However, what many people forget to take into consideration is how greatly diet and nutrition affect all aspects of the body – including the health of your spine.
Read MoreIs Your Office Job a Pain in the Neck?
For most people, it’s hard to get through a day without spending the majority of their time in front of a screen. From TVs to smartphones to tablets, daily screen time has continued to soar over the last few years. And, for those who also have to spend their workdays in front of a computer,…
Read MoreHow Exercise Can Help With Back Pain
For those suffering from back pain, there’s a common misconception that exercise should be avoided to not aggravate or worsen their pain or condition. Unfortunately, this misinformation often causes patients to overlook the true importance of exercise when it comes to healing and long-term back pain relief.
Read More3 New Year’s Resolutions for Chronic Back Pain Relief
With every new year comes new opportunity. Usually, when January rolls around, people take some time to reflect on their life and make resolutions to be better. They might want to lose weight, spend more time traveling, find a more satisfying job, or overcome a fear that has been holding them back.
Read MoreChampey Pain and Spine Group Welcomes Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. James W Dwyer
Highly Skilled Spine Surgeon Dr. Dwyer Brings Extensive Experience with Minimally Invasive Spine Treatments and Spine Surgery Mine Hill Township, NJ (Dec. 20, 2017) – Specializing in acute and chronic neck, back and joint pain treatments, New Jersey-based Champey Pain and Spine Group is proud to welcome Dr. James W. Dwyer to its team of…
Read More5 Fast Facts About Herniated Discs
Herniated discs are a common, painful condition. However, there’s often a lot of confusion lingering around what causes herniated discs and how best to treat them because it’s not always properly explained or understood. That’s why we’ve put together a list of some of the most common questions we encounter when it comes to herniated…
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